Recently updated on February 3rd, 2023 at 05:12 am
PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) can be diagnosed with a group of symptoms including excess facial hair, irregular menstrual cycle, acne and trouble conceiving, etc. Approximately 15% of women are diagnosed with the condition. PCOS, when left unchecked can also result in type 2 diabetes and a higher risk of endometrial cancer.
The Contraceptive Pill
Taking birth control pills for the polycystic ovarian syndrome is very common. It helps in regulating your menstrual cycle and can possibly assist in treating other symptoms like hair loss and acne. There are two types of oral contraceptives based on their hormone- content. There are – progestin-only tablets and combination pills that contain progestin & estrogen.
Most women buy Loette pills and other ‘combo’ pills like it which contain one or another generation of progestin and estrogen.
Hormones and the Periods
During one’s periods, the estrogen hormone is secreted by the developing egg follicle which assists in thickening the endometrium lining- preparing it for pregnancy.
After the ovulation cycle has occurred, progesterone is discharged by the empty egg follicle which is known as the corpus luteum. Progesterone hormone hit their peak levels nearly seven days after ovulation. Progesterone hormone also causes the uterine to exude special proteins in preparation for the implantation of a matured ova. When fertilization does not happen, it prohibits the body from creating and secreting more eggs in the latter half of the menstrual cycle.
How do birth control pills prevent pregnancy?
By maintaining the increased blood levels of these hormones, the contraceptive tricks the system in various ways.
Its most crucial mechanisms involve preventing the release of the mature egg by prohibiting the change in hormone levels that is essential in the ovulation process and important for it to occur. This additionally keeps the cervical mucus thick which helps in stopping sperm travel from reaching the fallopian tubes.
Why should I take the pill if I am suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome?
“Combo” pills
Combination pills are contraceptive tablets composed of a duo of synthetic female hormones – progestin and estrogen. One of the most known brands of this is the – Ovral birth control pill. They can be differentiated on the basis of whether the dose of progestin-estrogen stays the same all through the pack (monophasic). In case the levels of progestin increase through the pack, while the estrogen dosage stays the same it would be identified as biphasic.
It is important to note that whatever may be the type of birth control, the last remaining seven tablets are non-active and do not contain any hormonal content.