What is the Alternate for Mifeprex and cytolog?

Recently updated on February 11th, 2023 at 10:40 am

What is the Alternate for Mifeprex and cytolog

Mifeprex and Cytolog are indeed effective for ending an early pregnancy up to nine weeks of gestation. However, if the pills are not available, what could be a great alternative for the combination? This blog explains how you can buy abortion pills if the Mifeprex and Cytolog combination is unavailable. It essentially talks about Mifepristone and Misoprostol drugs which also contribute to successful pregnancy termination.


The anti-progesterone pill is similar to the components in Mifepristone. The pills help the medical abortion procedure by stopping the development of pregnancy. It works against those hormones which cause pregnancy development.

  • Dose: one pill
  • Power: 200 mg
  • Way of consumption: Oral, with water


This pill perfectly replaces Cytolog with its prostaglandin constituents. The working of Misoprostol and Cytolog is similar to each other as their elements working to remove pregnancy tissues.

The components make the uterine lining contract, and hence bring about cramps in the abdominal area. This further results in bleeding in a few hours of drug-consumption.

The bleeding lasts around a week or less for pregnancy up to 6-7 weeks of gestation. It may be more for the ones with more than 7 weeks up to 9 weeks gestation.

  • Dose: four pills
  • Power: 200 mcg
  • Way of Consumption: buccal/vaginal

What are the symptoms?

As said earlier, the symptoms of both medications are (1) Abdominal pain (2) Vaginal bleeding. These symptoms occur with every woman. You can know if the abortion procedure is in progress if you encounter these symptoms within 24 hours of taking the medication.

Are there any side effects?

The side effects of both combinations are also pretty much the same. In both cases, the woman may encounter the following side effects of abortion pills.

  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

The aforementioned side effects may or may not happen with every woman and hence there cannot be a comparison between two experiences of side effects. You should visit your healthcare provider if the side effects go extreme. You can even lower the impact of side effects with certain over-the-counter painkillers.

The medical pregnancy termination procedure gets complete as you recover from the symptoms and side effects of the pills. For some women, it takes around a week or more. You can check the efficacy of these pills around two weeks after the pill’s consumption. Checking your pregnancy within a week may show you false results.

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