Misoprostol for Abortion and Other Medical Uses

Recently updated on February 2nd, 2023 at 05:50 am


Misoprostol (Cytolog) contains prostaglandins that have anti-secretion activity. It is taken buccally or sublingually and lessens secretion at hydrochloric acidity. It presents cytoprotective and auterotonic motion by stimulating secretion connected to mucus and bicarbonate. When used to conduct an early abortion, it causes contractions in myometrium smooth muscle tissues. It dilates the cervix and lets pregnancy parts out from the vagina.

A woman can seek safe pregnancy termination with it because the success rate of the same is more than 90%. Other medical uses are the prevention of basal, night secretion of gastric liquid, and revitalizing. The medicine can cure stomach ulcers by acting on mucous membranes in the abdomen.

Medication Use and Dosage

Those willing to take Misoprostol should understand its side effects and other details. While consulting a doctor for this medicine’s dosage, the person should reveal medical history and medicines being taken presently. For abortion, the female should be observed for any complications like excessive bleeding and healthcare should be met in a timely manner in case of emergencies. The motions affect 30 minutes after ingesting the medication, lasting for about 4 to 5 hours.

  • To terminate the pregnancy, this tablet can be consumed in the first trimester about 42 times. The user has to take the pill orally by putting the same under the tongue or between the cheek and gum. The dose prescribed is either 400 to 600 mcg, to be used after 6 to 48 hours of Mifepristone dosage.
  • For stomach ulcer prevention, the tablet is prescribed 2 to 4 times a day, 200mcg. The safe dosage limit is 800mcg each day. If the person is intolerant to the dose, it can be reduced by 100mcg.

Contraindications of Misoprostol

The medicine is a contraindication for people showing hypersensitivity to hormones dependent on activity, prostaglandin, glaucoma, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular issues, and lactation. It is not suitable for extracting extra-uterine pregnancy. If to be consumed, the woman should not have an intrauterine contraceptive placed in the uterus. If the device is present, it has to be removed. The dose has to be adjusted to the required levels if the individual has renal failure.

Side Effects to the Medicine

The individual can experience unwanted consequences to this tablet-like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, stress, and impact on the central nervous system causing anxiety. Misoprostol may even result in uterine contractions, dysmenorrhea, abdominal cramps, and menstrual bleeding. The person should coordinate with the doctor, and follow his/her advice. On allergic reactions, an alternative treatment method has to be initialized.

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